We welcome our new trainees



New semester, new challenges, new opportunities – this is true for Ayşegül Sari, Caroline Busch, Mario Escobar and Nicolas Müller. Supported by the Advanced Research Traineeship grant by Osteology Foundation, they all embark on an exciting scientific journey. 

The Advanced Research Traineeship programme allows young researchers to join another alma mater anywhere in the world, for up to three months, to learn or improve on a specific technique or skill that would benefit their research projects. The Class of 2024 has set itself ambitious goals. 

Ayşegül Sari from the University of Bern (Switzerland) is joining Luigi Nibali’s team at the Guy's, King's and St Thomas, School of Medicine and Dentistry in London (UK) investigating into peri-implant and periodontal microbiota and biomarkers.

Caroline Busch, currently enrolled at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany), is going to Harvard Dental School. She will further advance her knowledge on applied artificial intelligence for novel periodontal and peri-implant diagnostics, in the team of Magda Feres. 

Mario Escobar from the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianopolis (Brazil) will join Lorenzo Tavelli’s team at Harvard Dental School in Boston (USA) to work on wound healing assessment following soft tissue grafting using novel approaches such as ultrasonography, optical scanners, and biomarkers. 

Nicolas Müller from Zürich University will go to Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea) to advance his research about the influence of prosthetic designs on peri-implant health under the guidance of Jung-Seok Lee. 


This programme is meant primarily for early career researchers, but is not limited to them. Everyone with an academic or industrial research affiliation, who needs research training in the field of oral tissue regeneration, can apply for this programme.

Applicants must submit their grant application between 1 March and 15 May at 23:59 CET, for projects starting latest on 1 February of the following year.

Do you want to be our next trainee? Check our website.