National Group Switzerland

The Swiss NOG wants to bring the national dental schools closer together than ever. Live events open the doors to the labs and clinics in Basel, Berne, Geneva and Zurich

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Upcoming webinars

Join through THE BOX or directly in Zoom and please download the "save the date" to not miss out on these great webinars!

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail:

30 October 2024, 18:00 CET - Research insights: Ti vs. ZrO2 implants

Géraldine Guex and Nadja Rohr

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4 December 2024, 18:00 CET - Our pathway into science

Alberto Monje & Ausra Ramanauskaite

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Webinars on demand

Members of the National Osteology Group Switzerland have the possibility to review recordings of all webinars at any time.

An extensive collection of lectures, always available within the group on THE BOX, delivered by leading experts in the field of oral regeneration.