ORAL REGENERATION TOPIC: Interdisciplinary strategies in dentistry

Scientific Radar

The Scientific Radar comprises the "Timeline"  with the most relevant publications on the current topic and a list of relevant publications selected by the webinar speaker.



Gustavo Avila Ortiz was in the lead of developing the timeline above with the support of Rafael Lazarin and Thiago Morelli.


Oscar González Martín's selection of publications 

The list of scientific publications below on "Interdisciplinary strategies in dentistry" was compiled by Oscar González Martín, and he also explains why these publications are relevant. 

Status: May 2024.


J S Ingber. Forced eruption: part II. A method of treating nonrestorable teeth--Periodontal and restorative considerations. J Periodontol, 1976 Apr;47(4):203-16. doi: 10.1902/jop.1976.47.4.203.

Further information and abstract (PubMed)

Forced eruption can be predictably used to treat periodontal intrabony defects.


Oscar González-Martín, Belen Solano-Hernandez, Ana Torres Muñoz, Saúl González-Martín, Gustavo Avila-Ortiz. Orthodontic Extrusion: Guidelines for Contemporary Clinical Practice. Int J. Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2020 Sep/Oct;40(5):667-676. doi: 10.11607/prd.4789.

Further information and abstract (PubMed)

Different clinical protocols are defined to achieve different clinical results based on two decisions: the presence of Intermedia tooth stabilisation and/or fiberotomy during the process of eruption.


R Pontoriero, F Celenza Jr, G Ricci, G Carnevale. Rapid extrusion with fiber resection: a combined orthodontic-periodontic treatment modality. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 1987;7(5):30-43.

Further information and abstract (PubMed)

Forced eruption associated to fiberotomy will lead to expose healthy tooth structure to achieve a predictable restoration.


H Salama 1, M Salama. The role of orthodontic extrusive remodeling in the enhancement of soft and hard tissue profiles prior to implant placement: a systematic approach to the management of extraction site defects. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 1993 Aug;13(4):312-33.

Further information and abstract (PubMed)

Forced eruption is indicated to improve the soft and hard tissues associated to a non restorable tooth, facilitating the placement of an implant


G S Heithersay. Combined endodontic-orthodontic treatment of transverse root fractures in the region of the alveolar crest. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 1973 Sep;36(3):404-15. doi: 10.1016/0030-4220(73)90220-x.

Further information and abstract (PubMed)

Forced eruption was indicated to expose healthy tooth structure to achieve a predictable restoration in cases of subgingival caries session or tooth fracture.