Applied Research Grants launched


The new granting programme underscores the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to advancing clinical research with a focus on improving oral tissue regeneration.

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Maximizing Opportunities: Marion Arce's Scholarship Journey in Madrid


“I improved my clinical and research skills, participated in many high-quality courses and congresses, expanded my network and established international collaborations”, that is how Marion Arce summarizes her year as Osteology scholar at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) with Mariano Sanz.

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Austin chronicles: NOG USA launch and AAP symposium success


The Osteology Foundation is delighted to recount the successful launch of the National Osteology Group USA (NOG USA) and the great Regeneration Symposium at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) held from 9-12 November 2023 in Austin.

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From Vienna to Harvard


Balazs Feher is a young post-doctoral researcher from the MedUni Wien, who got selected to spend one year at Harvard University under the Osteology Research Scholarship programme.

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Meet us at EAO 2023 in Berlin



We are in Berlin from 28 - 30 September at the EAO/DGI joint meeting. Make sure to stop by at our booth E43 for a chat. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

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Scholar promoted to research associate



Emilio Cafferata, who embarked on his Osteology Research Scholarship journey in 2021 at the Department of Implantology at Goethe University in Frankfurt, is now reasearch associate.

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New faces, fresh perspectives: Osteology Foundation's latest additions


Isabella Rocchietta (ITA), Purnima Kumar (USA), and Sašo Ivanovski (AUS) step into their roles as newly elected board members. Joining dynamic committees, they bring new ideas to communications and science.

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Best way to establish international collaborations



Marion Arce uses her Research Scholarship at Complutense University Madrid to strengthen and initiate international collaborations.

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David Kim honoured with Clifford Barger Excellence in Mentoring Award


Congratulations to David Kim for being honoured with the prestigious 2023 A. Clifford Barger Excellence in Mentoring Award from Harvard Medical School.

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Amit Gaikwad's Advanced Research Traineeship


Amit Gaikwad, from India completed his three-month Advanced Research Traineeship at the Dept. of Prosthodontics and Biomedical Material Science of Meike Stiesch at the Hannover Medical School (Germany).

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Sila Cagri Isler's Advanced Research Traineeship


Sila Cagri Isler, from Turkey, began her three-month Advanced Research Traineeship programme at the Department of Periodontology at the University of Berne (Switzerland) in December 2022. She is working in the team of Professor Anton Sculean. Find out more about her Traineeship experience in this interview.

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Evidence-based dentistry


In the latest episode, Elena Figuero's enthusiasm for evidence-based dentistry is contagious.

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A Hack-a-thon to start with


We hosted our first hack-a-thon event in October 2022 in Phoenix, AZ. It focused on how the Osteology Foundation could promote education on oral tissue regeneration in the United States.

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"The best scientific year of my career"



Marcel Kunrath from Brazil started in 2021 as an Osteology Research Scholar at the Department of Biomaterials Science at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) working in the team of Christer Dahlin. Learn more about his scholarship year in this interview.

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Highlights 2022



Looking back on 2022 brings lots of positive emotions back to life. The Osteology Foundation schedule was neatly packed, from January all the way to December. It was a real pleasure to meet again with friends, partners, scholars and participants of our events all around the globe and engage with them in a wide range of educational and scientific activities.

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