Sharpen your research skills

Osteology Research
Academy courses

Learn from leading experts

The design of a well-defined research protocol and the selection of an appropriate methodological approach can be challenging. However, these are crucial skills to learn for successful and impactful scientific projects.


The Osteology Foundation and dental experts created the Osteology Research Academy for continuous education in addressing dental challenges. Our Research Academy courses are designed for early-career clinicians and researchers to improve their research skills and build a strong scientific network. Participants can apply the acquired knowledge to their projects at their home institutions.

Over the years, hundreds of researchers from all over the world have benefited from these educational opportunities. Osteology Research Academy Grants are also awarded annually, allowing selected recipients to attend free of charge an Academy of choice .

Course agenda 2024

Our courses at a glance

Past courses:

Gramado, Brazil
Gothenburg, Sweden
London, UK

Lucerne, Switzerland

9-11 September

A comprehensive training on the skills required to run a preclinical or clinical research study, in the heart of Europe.

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Shanghai, China

17-20 October

Collaboration is key in today's research world. This residential meeting will offer a platform for debate and exchange of ideas.

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Vienna, Austria

6-8 November

In-depth insights into how to process hard tissues using histological techniques to answer today’s clinical questions in oral tissue regeneration.

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Quick facts

Details about the courses, prices and registration at a glance

How can I register for a Research Academy course?

Successful registration requires the payment of the registration fee by the participant and the reception of the fee by the Osteology Foundation at least one day prior to the course.

The course fee must be paid online, upon registration for the Osteology Research Academy of choice, on our platform THE BOX:

What does the registration fee include?

The registration fee includes:

  • All lectures and workshops on the programme

  • Course material

  • Food and beverages during the day: lunch and coffee breaks

  • Social evening/team dinner (when on the programme)

Is the number of participants limited?

The available seats in the courses are limited to maximise interaction among participants and instructors, and ensure a relaxed learning experience.

For our courses in Lucerne, Boston, Beijing, and Shanghai a maximum of 30 participants is allowed.

For the courses in Gothenburg, Bern, Vienna, and London, a maximum of 16 participants is allowed.

Attendance is based on first come, first served basis. The decisive factor is the date of registration and payment.

How much does it cost to attend a Research Academy course?

Postgraduate student fee: CHF 1'500
All others fee:                                     CHF 2'100 

The fees may vary depending on the course duration and location. Check the registration page carefully for the most correct pricing indication.

Are combination discounts available?

A discount of CHF 200 is offered if one course has already been attended or if two courses are booked together.

Can I cancel my registration?

Participants are required to notify the Osteology Office in writing to if they are unable to attend the course or need to cancel their registration.

For cancellations received more than 8 weeks prior to the course, 100% of the course fee will be refunded. For cancellations received up to 4 weeks prior to the course, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. No refunds can be made for cancellations received less than 4 weeks prior to the course. In case of disease or similar, exceptions may apply (medical certificate required). Course contents and instructors are subject to change.

What is the course language?

Since the Osteology Research Academy is an international education programme, the official course language is English. The course in Beijing may include lectures in Mandarin (local speakers).

Research Academy Grants

Research Academy Grants are offered throughout the year to support postgraduate education in the field of oral tissue regeneration. Recipients are entitled to participate free of charge at the chosen Osteology Research Academy.

Research Academy Grants

Details about the different courses

Research design and methodology

The courses on “Research design and methodology” focus on how to plan and run a research study project, from A to Z.

Locations: Lucerne, Boston, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro (TBC)

Course design

  • 3-day course
  • Pre-course online education
  • Lectures with leading experts
  • Interactive, problem-based learning with case studies
  • Extensive exchange opportunities with all instructors

Course objectives

  • Learn the fundamentals of research in dental medicine
  • Understand the process of setting up a research study, from defining a relevant research question to generating the answer
  • Select the appropriate tools for data collection and analysis
  • Successfully plan preclinical or clinical research studies and interpret the acquired data
  • Effectively communicate research findings and acquired knowledge

» Registration


Biomaterial interfaces, cells and bacteria

The course "Biomaterial interfaces, cells and bacteria" focuses on the molecular and structural events of regenerative and microbial processes at tissue-implant interfaces.

Lectures complement practical laboratory sessions, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the host response to biomaterials used in oral tissue regeneration.

Location: Gothenburg

Course design

  • 2.5-day course
  • Pre-course online education
  • Daily hands-on sessions in the cell and microbiology laboratory and microscopy facility
  • Molecular data analysis, statistics and interpretation
  • Presentations and interactive case studies with leading scientists

Course objectives

  • Understand the basic cellular responses at the tissue-implant interface
  • Understand the formation of biofilms on biomaterial surfaces and their treatment options
  • Learn the principles of molecular biology methods
  • Analyse and interpret the acquired data and images

» Registration


Hard tissue research

The course on “Hard tissue research” focuses on bone anatomy and histological analyses.

The analytical methods to conduct preclinical and clinical research projects on hard tissue regeneration are also covered in this course.

Locations: Bern, Vienna

Course design

  • 2-day course
  • Pre-course online education
  • Extensive hands-on training
  • Lectures with leading experts

Course objectives

  • Understand the principles of micro-CT and digital image analysis
  • Learn how to process hard tissue specimens, perform histological and histomorphometrical analyses and interpret the acquired data

» Registration


Clinical research and trial management

The course on “Clinical research and trial management” provides a comprehensive overview on all fundamental aspects involved in setting up and running a clinical trial.

Location: London

Course design

  • 2-day course
  • Pre-course online education
  • Lectures with leading experts
  • Interactive workshops
  • Extensive exchange opportunities with all instructors

Course objectives

  • Select a suitable clinical study design and develop a research protocol
  • Learn how to apply for research funding
  • Understand all relevant study regulatory aspects and clinical governance
  • Overcome typical challenges in clinical research

» Registration

Outlook 2024

Research design and methodology
(Shanghai, CN, Lucerne, CH; Boston, US)

Biomaterial interfaces, cells and bacteria (Gothenburg, SE)
Hard tissue research (Vienna, AT)
Clinical research and trial management (London, UK)